Socio-Environmental Regeneration Projects
Nature preservation
Get to know the places where Mother Nature is protected by municipalities, states and the Federal government, in accordance with the laws in force in Brazil. We periodically collect information for you, distributed by Brazilian institutions, about our protected areas. In addition, you can also access the legislation of the National System of Nature Conservation Units - SNUC, the Public Ministry's Environmental Compensation manual and other literature and videos on the subject.
National System of Nature Conservation Units - SNUC
Accelerating Reforestation
How promoting knowledge about the Atlantic Forest, Cerrado, Pampa, Caatinga, Pantanal and Amazon biomes enhances our health, as well as climate balance. The conservation of species, both fauna and flora, in biomes is essential so that we can regenerate deforested territories without harming the ecosystem in which we live.
Green Cities
The need for an inclusive and healthy urban replanning that promotes improvements in sanitation, allocates waste for energy generation, rethinks real estate speculation and guarantees the preservation of biomes around and within cities as a preventive measure for public health and to ensure the water and air quality.
Garbage: Recycling and Citizenship
Garbage is much more than something to be discarded; it is a basic input for other products. The development of education policies on solid waste is the future for socio-environmental justice, as well as nature preservation. When we learn that glass was once sand, that metals are ores that were once a mountain, hill or cave, and that plastic was once oil, we understand that there is no such thing as a dump, but waste that generates social inequality and environmental pollution.
Water Recovery
Water is a global good that guarantees life and health. Understand why ensuring water security is essential for any region or country in the world and learn about projects, people, institutions and collectives that promote the mapping of springs, the conservation and health of rivers, springs, groundwater and aquifers.
Environmentalist Network
Take the opportunity to promote your causes on our website. We invite people, NGOs, institutions and all those who want to make a difference to share their initiatives and ideas with us. Together, we can build a collaboration space where your actions gain visibility and positively impact society.
Be an active part of this movement, inspire others and expand improvements in favor of the environment. Let's work together for a sustainable and balanced future for all.